Displaced Aggression Questionnaire (Dutch version)
The Displaced Aggression Questionnaire (DAQ) measures individual differences in the tendency to displace aggression. This scale is composed of three factors: angry rumination, revenge planning, and behavioral displaced aggression. The DAQ consists of 31-items, rated on a 7-point scale (1 = extremely uncharacteristic of me, 7 = extremely characteric of me).
The Dutch version of the DAQ is freely available for use in research and clinical practice:
The Dutch version of the DAQ is freely available for use in research and clinical practice:
Hostile Interpretation Bias Task
The Hostile Interpretation Bias Task (HIBT) measures the a-priori tendency to interpret emotional facial expressions as hostile.
Dutch and English instructions and stimuli are available upon request for use in research.
Dutch and English instructions and stimuli are available upon request for use in research.